Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Making a Difference

I really feel like I have made a difference today. It feels good. It was my second time chairing the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting. Tonight's meeting was an important one because we were going to approve the budget for this year. The PAC approved nearly

Monday, November 19, 2012

Mommy Rich in June

My six year old first grader plans on getting me rich at the end of the school year. It is not the richness that one gets by acquiring money. It is a different kind of richness. Apparently, she will be getting

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference

Today, I had a parent-teacher conference with Aaliyah's grade 1 teacher Mme. Hacker. I was 10 minutes early but she gladly welcomed me. She made Ayaan comfortable by giving him some paper and markers to color with. Then she gathered Aaliyah's class folders and we started our conversation. Together we went through Aaliyah's academic progress for the last two

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fun with Words

Today, we had a good laugh thanks to Ayaan and his emerging quest for words. I thought I will make a note of it before I forget. So her it goes...
I was reading a book when Ayaan comes and makes himself cozy in my lap. Aaliyah finds comfort just sitting next to me and leaning on me. Then like always, Ayaan starts asking me to