When you are a kid, one birthday is just not enough. Especially, if you are waiting for it immediately after your last birthday. Aaliyah wanted a "pretend birthday" before her real birthday. She has very vivid memories of her 4th birthday that she celebrated at her preschool and she wanted to repeat that this year at her school. Since she has a July birthday and the school year was ending in June, she was really disappointed that she would not be able to
celebrate her birthday with her school friends. So, I decided to add yet another memorable event into my soon to be 6 year old princess.

I let Aaliyah's teacher know in advance of my birthday plans and she was all for it. A day before her birthday, I took Aaliyah to SaveOn Foods and ordered her birthday cake. She chose a princess birthday cake and fortunately, we were able to find the exact same plastic rings that she had been dreaming of since her preschool birthday back in California. I remember her suggesting to me that we should drive to California to buy the princess cake with the princess rings on it. Driving from Canada to California for a princess cake? It only happens in a 4 year old's imagination. This was her plan for her 5th birthday. She will be turning 6 this year and finally, her dream of a princess cake with princess rings will come true. We bought some candy for the goody bags and then stopped by the dollar store to buy some fillers for the goody bags.

On the day of her pretend birthday, I picked up Hummu and Zeba from their house and then we went to pick up the cake. I was very pleased with how the cake turned out. In my heart I knew that Aaliyah will love it. Once at Aliyah's school, we went into her classroom and set up the cake. The children then sang the happy birthday song in French. I thought that was cute. All the girls were super excited about the rings on the cake. Aaliyah cut the cake and then Hummu helped me distribute the cake to everybody. Aaliyah then distributed all the goody bags.
Aaliyah with her friends and Mme. Sze |
The kids headed outdoors for lunch recess. After playing on the swings for a little while we came back home. Aaliyah's 6th birthday, part 1, turned out to be a really fulfilling experience. I am really happy and pleased that it ended up being just right. And we lived happily ever after.
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