Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mommy Not Ready for Kindergarten

I finally got the Kindergarten registration form from the school office. I go there practically every other day, either to pick up or drop off some PAC related stuff, however, I simply dreaded picking up a Kindergarten registration form. I kept putting it off because deep down I am just not ready for it.

I am not ready to put my kid with kids who

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Go Bananas

Go Bananas! The name says it all. Just let the kids go crazy at this indoor kids play centre. Located in the vicinity of a movie theatre, indoor swim centre, skating rink and a bowling alley zone, Go Bananas is a fun place for the kids. It is here that they can burn some calories going up and down the play structures. It is a comparatively

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Learning from the Sick

Visiting the sick is a very human thing to do. It comforts the sick person and makes you value your own health and well being. However, I wonder why visiting the sick is so draining on the mind and body. It is more tiring than a full day of housework. You can be washing dishes, mopping the floor, doing the laundry, cooking and chasing the kids and yet you still seem to have energy for doing the grocery and checking your e-mail. In comparison, when all you did at a sick person's