Saturday, August 16, 2014

Failed Responsibility

My current addiction is playing Just Words online. I find it challenging, therapeutic and a lot of fun. It also helps me to steer my thoughts from work to home. It is my after work pastime. Not a single work day goes by without a game (or two) of Just Words. Now I am well aware that any kind of addiction is bad for your health. So, I had to find myself a different hobby. On our recent visit to the library I borrowed a random novel to read. I picked "A Well Tempered Heart" written by Jan-Phillip Sendkler. I liked the title and the reviews were not bad either. It is a fairly good read and thought provoking too. One thought that I really liked was the statement "You are responsible for not only what

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Berry Time at Blueberry Farm

Went for blue berry picking at one of Birak's Blueberry farm on Blundel road. I ate more and picked less while the kids did just the opposite. It was fun picking the freshest and the largest of the blueberries.The berry trees were just the perfect height to provide ample shade on an otherwise