Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm Thankful for my Broom and my Mop

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America. A country which was home to me for the last 10 years. So I have 10 wonderful Thanksgiving dinners to be thankful for. Here in Richmond, Canada, its just another cold, cloudy, kinda rainy, Thursday. And I'm thankful. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here is my list of what I'm thankful for:
  1. The people in my life-my friends and my family near and far. As for the people who've left this world for the world above, I am thankful for the good times and the wonderful memories
  2. The broom and vacuum without which I would have had to pick up the food crumbs, the hair strands and the tiny bits of paper with my hand
  3. The mop without which I would have had to bend down on my knees and clean the floor with a wet towel
  4. I am thankful for my phone to talk to my friends and family in California and in India and the internet, especially for Facebook without which I would not have been able to reconnect with a friend this morning, with whom I had lost touch for about 11 long years
  5. For my stove with 4 burners and a microwave to reheat food. Imagine using firewood and lighting a fire to cook food. I remember my Grandma cooking that way before she got a stove
  6. For a TV, a blue ray DVD player with built in WiFi network and all the other little kiddie gadgets and gizmos that are keeping me and my kids entertained throughout this cold, cloudy, kinda rainy day
  7. For the warm, cozy cuddles with the children before we started our morning madness. As a working Mommy back in California, it was simply morning madness and a lot of guilt for not getting that extra 5 minutes of sleep
  8. For my car which allows me to transport my children to school and back, as opposed to walking in this cold, cloudy, kinda rainy day.
  9. For the clean air that I am breathing, for the clean water in my faucets, everyday of the year. Back in India, clean drinking water is still a luxury only the rich can afford and in some rural areas, people still draw water from the wells
  10. For my freedom to do what I want, when I want and how I want to do things... I can go shopping or not, I can do the laundry or put it until tomorrow, I can cook, eat yesterday's leftovers or have Hubby pick something on his way home, I can take a nap right now with my son or blog. Choices, choices choices.
Loving the life in my hood. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


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