Friday, July 6, 2012

SportBall-Outdoor Soccer

Registered my darling daughter for some outdoor Soccer practice sessions over the Summer. The session meets once a week for about an hour. It is a good work out in a fun non competitive atmosphere. Each player gets a ball and a jersey. They are introduced to the basics of the game. They also
play other simple games to develop team spirit along the way.
Coach Mark and Coach Lani sharing the basics

Aaliyah likes her Soccer sessions and seems very interested. She is participating well and following directions. She just needs to develop a little bit extra stamina to match up with the rest of the players.I did not observe any kind of grouping in effect which is usually the case when you have boys and girls. Girls pair up with girls and boys with boys. Aaliyah and the other boys seemed to be play quite well together. I am sure she is enjoying the fact that she is the only girl in her group. Hopefully, it boosts her self confidence. 
Warm up
Running, kicking, passing, playing freeze along with some other fun games make up for this hour long practice. The hour goes by pretty quickly. Both Coach Mark and Coach Lani do a good job of keeping the tempo fun and energetic throughout the practice session. 

Practicing her Kick
Looking at Aaliyah, Ayaan wanted his own team. I will probably register him for the session that meets just before this one. That way, Ayaan can play in his own team. It however requires parent participation. I will have to play with him. It is good in a way because I can get some much needed exercise. 

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