I never put any thought on a lot of things that I do because those are things that just need to be done and it just seems like second nature. Right from the time I sense the need till the time I fulfill the need, there are a lot of steps that I accomplish in order to get to the end point. Missing any one step or not doing it right can prove to be a big hassle later on. I am not talking about the simple chores around the house like cooking, cleaning or doing the laundry. Those are not time sensitive and do not involve multiple entities. I am talking about
a real process like renewing a passport.
I realized that renewing a passport is a very detail oriented process. First you Google passport renewal. Then read through the requirements. Then try and make an appointment by checking the online appointment calendar. If you are lucky then you do get an available time slot on a day that is convenient. Making sure that it works out for both Nasir and me. Then you fill out the application form and have Ayaan's passport and Social Security card number ready. Find a file folder and start organizing the forms and then the supporting documents such as the original birth certificate. Luckily, all the documents are readily accessible. Then I read through the weekly appointment reminders, fee information and the security information. Then we get the passport size photos taken. Purchase the right sized express post envelope for the consulate to send the new passport back. Inform the school and the class teacher that he will be away. Take a day off from work.
On the actual day of the appointment, go over each of the details with Nasir all over again. In my mind I am placing a big check mark on everything he is asking...the passport, the forms etc. and also giving myself a pat on the back for getting 10/10 on this verbal exam. I assure Nasir that everything has been taken care of. We then drive to the appointment location, find parking, park and then finally reach the consulate. We go through the security check, wait for our turn and then get interviewed by the Consul. He reviews the application and then puts a stamp of approval and then informs us that the passport will be mailed in the next two weeks. Success!
For such and many similar detail oriented processes that I do on a regular basis, I am really proud of myself. Not everybody could do a job right the first time. Many learn from experience and most are just not cut out for it. Being able to accomplish the smaller processes in life is a blessing that we should all be proud of.
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