Saturday, August 2, 2014

Berry Time at Blueberry Farm

Went for blue berry picking at one of Birak's Blueberry farm on Blundel road. I ate more and picked less while the kids did just the opposite. It was fun picking the freshest and the largest of the blueberries.The berry trees were just the perfect height to provide ample shade on an otherwise
hot day.
Ayaan started off by picking a few berries at a time but there were not many at his height level. He then picked up a stick and started hitting the branches so the berries could all fall into his bucket. It was a good attempt but not quite useful so I asked him to use the stick to lower the branch and hand pick the berries. Aaliyah enjoyed picking berried with Khala mummy. I was busy eating and of course taking pictures. There is something about the blueberry farms. They always make for some cool pictures. I would definitely want to come back before the end of the season.

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